Fiber Art

My mixed media fiber and textile works explore the process and perception of time and space through the natural cycles of growth and decomposition, day and night, and year over year. Drawing upon Jewish practice, tradition and ritual as an underlying concept in the works, each stitch, brushstroke and form leaves its mark of a day, a moment, a feeling.

I was introduced to the process of botanical eco-prints and hand-stitching during an artist residency at Createspace Wales, United Kingdom, in late 2019.

The link between fiber art and my Jewish identity is a personal one, provoked by discovery of family history pre-WWII in the textile manufacturing field in Germany. After discovering this information, I decided to connect my artistic practice, Jewish identity and long-time interest in fiber art. As I integrate my Judaism and a re-imagine the possibilities of Jewish art, I connect Jewish ritual observance, tradition and studies of historical text with my contemporary creative practice as a painter and mixed media artist.


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